Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Janet Weiss Makeup & Hair

My Janet Weiss costume posts are my most popular blog posts. All five posts are listed below.
  1. Janet Weiss Makeup & Hair  (THIS POST)
  2. Janet Weiss Accessories
  3. Janet Weiss Lingerie
  4. Janet Weiss's Pink Dress
  5. My Janet Weiss Dress

Hi! Halloween's coming up so I imagine lots of other people are working on their costumes and halloween look... because I am! Here is a pic of our heroine, Janet Weiss. Click the pic for bigger.

HAIR: Janet curls her hair in hot rollers. If you are wearing your own hair like I will be, do a natural part down the middle and curl it whatever way gives you the best curl (as seen bottom left), all the way around your head. This could be hot rollers, a curling iron, or in my case rag curls. Don't brush your hair, but style it with fingers. Use gel or mousse before rolling hair and set with hairspray when you're done. If you have those silly O-shaped barrettes pin your hair back as seen here. I don't so will probably just use bobby pins. You want your hair off your face. If you have short girlie hair definitely try to find some white barrettes and make it look more soccer mom and less pixie cutie-pie. If you have short man hair, consider a wig.

Janet is sporting a natural-ish look with heavy emphasis on her eyes along with a rosy blush and lip. Wear your normal foundation or powder (i.e. to match your skin). She is wearing a rosy powder blush/rouge and lipstick -- that elusive your-lips-but-better shade of pink. If you have dark skin chose a MLBB shade even if it's brownish, reddish, or whatever, and ditto for the blush. You want to look natural. For lips, I'm pretty sure Janet wears lipstick as it's a creme finish. Not a glassy gloss look and not matte. Revlon, MaybellineCover Girl, NYX, and Mac have good lipstick formulas.

For the eyeshadow Janet appears to be wearing a rosy taupe shadow over the whole lid. You can wear a basic neutral eye. Keep it in the brown family and make it a look you could talk your dorkiest aunt into wearing (this is not sexay eyeshadow). Really slather on the brown pencil eyeliner top and bottom. I've tried to recreate this with dark brown and now I think Janet is wearing a lighter brown.
Janet is also wearing a ton of brown mascara.

Janet wears a longish fingernail with a natural, oval tip. Buff your nails for shine or use a clear nail polish. Personally I'd wear a silly girlie light shimmer pink just because it'd seem right for Janet. Note the ring is worn on the fourth digit of her left hand (but I'm covering accessories in a different post ;).

I know it's not the most perfect screen accurate whatever ever, but I'm trying to make it look Janetey. Some recent high school graduate who makes her own dresses, thinks weddings are swell, and has never seen a man in his underpants before.

Check The Anal Retentive Rocky Horror Costume List for more info.

Janet Weiss