Friday, September 16, 2011

various projects

Years ago my dad brought this kimono back from a trip to Japan. To hang this on the wall I used two curtain rod mounts (that don't seem available anymore, from umbra) and a five foot length of steel rod that I spray painted silver. I screwed the rod mounts into my picture rail. I think the cream color of the silk looks great against the fawn brown walls and I love that it's a landscape. The kimono does waft a little in the breeze which is a nice change from a painting for instance. I have more planned for the brown bedroom but so far this is all I've managed.

This pattern is a teaser for a project I recently finished. It is a gift so no pics yet! I liked B5584. The pieces I made went together without much confusion.

This overdone lump of whatever is a plum crumb cake. Verdict on the recipe is "needs work" but it was a decent enough way to get rid of more plums. Good for breakfast.